Pond Myth: True or False

Whether you have a pond or you’re still considering making the plunge, you probably have come across a Pond Myth. Misleading information may have even paused your pond project all together. Or if you’re already a pond owner, and believe some of the rumors you’ve heard, you may really throw your pond out of balance and do more harm than good.

With that said, lets discuss and debunk a few common myths about owning and caring for a pond.

Pond Myth #1

The More Filtration the Better the Pond. 

Truth: Cleanliness is NOT next to Godliness … at least not in your pond. What do we mean? Yes, you can over-filter a pond. When you see happy fish swimming around in nature, it doesn’t appear that they are swimming around in bottled water, so it shouldn’t look that way in your pond at home either.  Tight filter pads in your skimmer pick up the smallest particles of debris, causing you to constantly have to clean out the filtering mechanism.  Go take a look at your pond. If you can see clearly to the bottom, it’s just right for your finned friends. Filtering past that point is creating unnecessary work for yourself and taking time away from actually enjoying your investment.

Myth #2 

Koi Will Eat and Destroy Your Plants.

Truth: Koi and plants go together like peas and carrots, peanut butter and jelly, cheese and crackers, (okay, we’ll stop now) but you get the point. They complement each other very well and do better together rather than separately. It is true that fish eat plants, but that is different than destroying them. If you are feeding your koi regularly, the fish will naturally feed on the plants in a beneficial way. Fish eat plants and then produce waste, which breaks down and is used by plants as fertilizer to help them grow. A true mutual and beneficial relationship.

Pond Myth #3

Your Pond Must Be At least Three Feet Deep in Order to Keep Koi.

Truth: Nope, there are literally thousands of two-foot ponds around the country, full of healthy and happy koi. Typically, when temperatures drop, even in the coldest of climates, the water will generally only freeze eight inches down. The earth that surrounds the pond has insulating qualities that prevent the pond from freezing solid.

Myth #4

My Pond Needs to Be Located at the Lowest Part of My Yard. 

Truth: The placement of your pond is certainly a personal preference, but we advise NOT building your investment in this location. When creating your pond or water garden in a low area, you run the risk of the run-off in your yard creeping its way into your pond. Lawn chemicals, dirt, debris and other damaging materials have a better chance of entering your pond when it’s positioned in a lower spot. And besides, the closer your pond is to your home, the more beauty, sounds and tranquility you can soak in when entertaining friends, or sipping your morning coffee.

Pond Myth #5

Gravel and Rocks Make it Difficult to Clean Your Pond. 

Truth: We saved this myth for last, because we tend to hear it the most often and it’s simply not true. Rocks and gravel are found in nature and therefore, should be found in your pond too! Both materials offer a natural place for aerobic bacteria to colonize and set up housekeeping in your koi pond. This bacteria in turn, breaks down the fish waste and debris that would otherwise accumulate at the bottom of your pond and become really unappealing sludge.

Regardless of the location of your pond, (I.e. near trees where you have an increase of leaf debris) or how many fish you have, you’ll quickly come to find that it’s not only more aesthetically pleasing to the eye, but it also makes the pond an overall healthier and more balanced environment.  Also, we haven’t received an official announcement, but it’s rumored the fish dig it too.

For more myths debunked, or general pond questions- please contact us.