Pond vs. Lawn: The Environmental Choice
Ponds vs Lawn: The dilemma is real. Backyard ponds are becoming a popular landscaping trend. Many homeowners want a pond to create a peaceful ambiance or to enhance their outdoor space. They might enjoy collecting fish or plants, or simply love the soothing sights and sounds of water. Ponds offer a break from the digital world and provide a haven for Koi and local wildlife. Yet, many don’t realize the environmental benefits of having a pond or water feature.
Environmental Benefits of Ponds
A 2008 survey by the National Gardening Association found that 90% of households believe it’s important to maintain their landscape in an environmentally friendly way. However, only about half know how to do so effectively. Many homeowners hire services to care for their lawns without considering the chemicals used, as long as the lawn looks good. Those who maintain their lawns often buy chemicals from big-box stores, don’t read the instructions, and use more than necessary. Replacing part or all of a lawn with a pond can conserve water and energy, save money, and support the environment while also reducing personal stress.
Water Usage: Lawn vs. Pond
Lawns consume a lot of water. The University of Arizona reports that a 15’x15′ bermudagrass lawn uses over 5,000 gallons of water annually. A typical residential sprinkler system dispenses about 10–18 gallons per minute per zone. Watering this way increases evaporation, meaning the lawn doesn’t receive as much water as expected. If a lawn has two zones and runs for 15 minutes three times a week, water consumption ranges between 4,500 and 7,560 gallons per month. In Phoenix, this could add $175 to $275 to your water bill each month.
Ponds, however, use less water than lawns. Evaporation on a pond is similar to that on a swimming pool: about 1 inch per day per square foot of surface area during the hottest, driest months. For the rest of the year, evaporation is negligible. You also don’t need to add water during monsoon storms and rainy days. Unless your lawn has an expensive timer that detects moisture, it gets watered regardless. A pond, however, has an autofill device that only adds water when necessary.
Maintenance: Lawn vs. Pond
Maintaining a lush lawn requires regular watering, fertilizing, and mowing. Improper fertilizer application can cause groundwater pollution. The EPA estimates that only 35% of lawn fertilizers reach the grass; the rest ends up in our air or water supply. Over 102 million pounds of toxic pesticides are used annually on lawns and gardens, contributing to air and water pollution. Lawn maintenance also involves mowing and edging, which can take up half a day on weekends. About 54 million Americans mow their lawns each weekend, using 800 million gallons of gas annually, producing tons of air pollutants. A traditional gas-powered lawn mower produces as much air pollution as 43 new cars driven 12,000 miles each. More than 17 million gallons of gas are spilled each year refueling lawn equipment, contributing to groundwater contamination and smog.
Ponds, on the other hand, reduce the need for lawn pesticides and fertilizers. They require about 10 minutes of maintenance per week and provide hours of enjoyment without any gas-powered equipment. Additionally, debris and sludge collected by your pond filter can be used as nutrient-rich fertilizer for your lawn, garden, and trees. And who wouldn’t prefer the sound of a waterfall or babbling brook over the noise of mowers and blowers?
Enhancing Your Outdoor Space
If you have children who need a football or soccer field to play on, then by all means, plant a lawn! Alternatively, you could use a nearby park and let the city handle the maintenance. But if you’re looking for a low-water-use, low-maintenance, and highly enjoyable landscape option, consider an ecosystem pond or water feature.
By choosing a pond over a lawn, you can create a beautiful, environmentally friendly outdoor space that conserves water, reduces maintenance, and enhances your enjoyment of your yard. Contact us for more information!