Dallas Fish Pond Hot Weather Help
Ponds make everything better—even summer. You need to take extra care in the summer, however, to make sure your pond stays in great shape during those brutal hot months. When the water in your pond is above 80 degrees, there are a few things you should do.
How are your Dallas Fish Pond fish?
Watch your fish during the hottest months. Do they ever seem to gasp for air near the surface or waterfall? If so, it may be the oxygen levels. Cool water holds large levels of oxygen, Warm water has a low capacity for holding oxygen, leading to potential problems.
When the water is warm, the fish activity increases and that means your fish need even more oxygen while even less is available. If the fish get stressed, the become more prone to diseases.
So what to do to help? Try adding more oxygen to your pond by putting in an aerator or additional pump. Other options include installing a fountain, if your pond doesn’t already have a stream or waterfall. Streams, fountains and waterfalls all play an important part in keeping your pond oxygenated.
It’s important to also make sure that the pond is skimmed and the water is circulating well.
Dallas Fish Pond Heat
So how else can you keep your pond from getting too warm? It starts with the pond design. Everything from circulation to shade, plant coverage and depth should be looked at when building a pond. And make sure the pond is a minimum of two feet, to keep the bottom cooler.
Stocking a pond with plant is very important, as plants offer shade for the fish. A good way to know how many plants you need is to provide coverage on half of your pond’s surface.
Circulation is one of the most important parts of pond design. Try to make sure your biological filter and mechanical filter are across from each other, helping circulation even more.
Additional Dallas Fish Pond Hot Weather Tips
If you feed your fish, try to feed them in the morning and do not overfeed them. Uneaten food decays faster in warm water and can pollute the pond,
Be sure to remove dying leaves and flowers before they have a chance to decay in the warmer water.
All in all, keep an eye on your Dallas Fish Pond and your fish An remember, a balanced ecosystem is always the best way to maintain the health of your pond, For more information, contact us.