ft worth pond

5 Reasons to Choose Pond Gravel

By |2024-11-27T01:01:19+00:00September 5th, 2022|Koi Ponds & Water Gardens, Natural Swimming Ponds, Pond Construction|

There is an age-old debate amongst the pond building community regarding whether or not to use pond gravel. Ask any pond professional what their stance is and they are bound to provide you with a long-winded, yet well-supported, definitive answer. We are pro gravel and here are five reasons why. Liner Will Stay in Place

Show Koi vs. Pet Koi: What to Look For

By |2022-03-01T03:52:34+00:00March 1st, 2022|Koi Ponds & Water Gardens|

What Type of Koi do you want? There tends to be two types of Koi owners - those who love to keep them as pets in their pond, and those looking for a prized collection. For inexperienced Koi seekers in the process of finding that perfect pond addition, the question may loom, pet or show

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