Dallas Water Garden

Pond Planting Tips

By |2024-09-01T16:02:07+00:00September 1st, 2024|Koi Ponds & Water Gardens|

Ready for some pond planting? From Aquatic forget-me-nots that dangle on the edges of your water garden to beautiful lilies that perch on the pond’s surface, plants are truly what makes your water garden stand out. Things like color, height, and planting conditions are things you’ll want to consider when it comes to planting your

What is a Dallas Water Garden?

By |2020-03-11T02:03:39+00:00March 11th, 2020|Koi Ponds & Water Gardens|

Why create a Dallas Water Garden? What is a Dallas Water Garden?  If you're asking this question, we're guessing you've already considered getting your feet wet with a beautiful water feature for your outdoor space. So what is water garden exactly? It’s pretty simple, water garden is a man-made water feature, usually a pool or pond, which is

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